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07 June 2014

Schneider wants at least 60 starts to remain in NJ

NEWARK — Devils goaltender Cory Schneider told Rich Chere, of the Star-Ledger, he wants to start at least 60 games next year before he’ll seriously consider returning to the Devils beyond his current contract.

CLICK HERE to read Chere’s story.

Anyone even remotely surprised by this hasn’t really followed Schneider’s career, where he was backup to ROBERTO LUONGO and where he was, in essence, in a platoon with MARTY BRODEUR last season.

His desires are quite reasonable — and I personally hope he gets what he needs.

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Bill Cosby ‘controversy’

Some are making a huge deal over BILL COSBY going to LEWIS KATZ’s memorial wearing Temple University sweatpants and a Temple University T-shirt.

Some people have way too much time to complain.

Cosby says — and it didn’t take a fool to figure this out — that his outfit was in tribute to a man who himself contributed to many athletic endeavours, including at Temple and for the NJ Devils.

Not a controversy at all in my book.

Share your thoughts, eh?

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