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07 June 2014

No one seems to know why Gary Bettman changed it from the Stanley Cup Finals to the Stanley Cup Final in 2006

The 1995 Patch
For whatever the reason, the NHL decided, in 2006, that the league’s championship series would go from being called to what most still call it — the Stanley Cup Finals — to the Stanley Cup Final. No S at the end.

Yet the reality is that prior to the 2006 Cup Finals (I will always write and speak it as the Finals), the final series of the year was actually called the Stanley Cup Championship (see classic logos), and not the Final(s).

The 2014 Patch
About the only people you’ll hear calling it the Final are the NBC announcers. Most others use the S.

So what is it?

The Stanley Cup Finals?

The Stanley Cup Final?

The Stanley Cup Championship?

The Stanley Cup Championships?

ONLY in the NHL. Thanks, as always, COMMISSIONER BETTMAN!

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