Social Icons


07 June 2014

Ned Flanders as the New Jersey Devils logo

So, AK47_Studios (on Twitter) did an entire series of Simpsons-based NHL logos, and here is ours. I never watched “The Simpsons,” but am told the character here is called Ned Flanders — whom I might say strikingly resembles Walter Hartwell White | Bryan Cranston, of “Breaking Bad.”

Tremendous work by AK47_Studios, by the way, on this one — and all of them for that matter.

Your thoughts on the logo? Too bad Uncle Lou doesn’t have a sense of humour when it comes to logos | uniforms. Comment in the comments section, on Google+ or on our new Facebook Group.

Oh, and whilst we are here, here are the Rangers, Islanders, Flyers and Kings’ logos for good measure, as well. Pretty funny he chose the Islanders’ Gorton’s logo, to boot.

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