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30 June 2014

Lou reverses course, will use last buyout on Volchenkov

A week after saying he would’t use it, General Manager Lou Lamoriello said today he’d use the team’s second and final compliance buyout on Anton Volchenkov.

The move will free up $4.25 million of cap space — and gives Lamoriello $14.25 million to spend on the free-agent market.

If you’re a true Devils fan, you have to like this move. It’s a clear sign that Lou is hoping to be a serious free-agency player this off-season.

Volchenkov will become a free-agent at midnight and is free to sign anywhere else. The Devils will be responsible for paying two-thirds of his $4.25 million annual salary over the next two years.

What are your thoughts? Who would you like to see Lou sign in the off-season? Paul Stastny? Someone else? Comment here, on Google+ or on our Facebook Group.

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