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17 January 2013

After this stunt, there’s no way Kovalchuk should be named Devils’ captain

Publisher's Note: This post originally appeared on 12 January. I am moving it back to the top of the site since today, Bryce Salvador was named captain of the New Jersey Devils. This is the correct move. And it doesn't surprise me one bit. Peter DeBoer is as smart a hockey mind as there is — and he made the right decision. But, was this a result of Kovalchuk's slow-to-return nonsense? Or, just an indication Salvador is simply a better leader? 

The Canessa Commentary

I’ve always firmly believed in the concept of “forgive and forget.” I’ve done it numerous times in my life, and it’s been done for me just as many.

Enter Ilya Kovalchuk, of the New Jersey Devils.

Just a few days after the NHL lockout ends, Kovalchuk, overpaid and with entirely too long a contract to begin with, tells the media, while in Russia, that only time would tell whether he returned to New Jersey.

He outright said he was enjoying playing in Russia so much that he was seriously considering not coming back to Jersey, to honor a contract he’d just got a couple of years ago. During the lockout, he was quoted numerous times, regardless, saying he could see a mass exodus of NHLers if the new CBA wasn’t to his — and other players’ — liking.

So it really shouldn’t have come as much of a surprise when initially said he might not come back to the team that literally broke the bank to keep him here.

So now the reports indicate he’s going to be back by Jan. 15 — he’s staying in Russia to play in an all-star game. AN ALL-STAR GAME!

His teammate, Patrik Elias, was not pleased, one bit, when he was told by the media that Kovy would be coming back — late. When asked if it were a problem, he said: “It is. We’re all supposed to report on Sunday, right?”

Indeed. Sunday. Everyone. Including those playing in Russia — on an all-star team.

Here’s why I am most upset.

A few months ago, the team’s captain bolted for Minnesota. We won’t mention his name in this space just now. With that guy’s departure, the team was in need of a new leader. And instantly, most thought it would be Kovalchuk. It was logical to think that way.

Now, here’s a guy who clearly said he didn’t want to come back here — but begrudgingly, will.

As if the players didn’t do enough to piss off the fans during the lockout, now there’s this. And as far as I am concerned, there is absolutely no circumstance under which Kovalchuk should be named captain of this team during training camp. I’m hoping coach Peter DeBoer is smart enough to realize this, too.

There are some who will say not giving this guy the captaincy would be nothing short of a slight to the team. But his comments — and his actions remaining in Russia to play in a meaningless all-star game his general manager clearly doesn’t want him to play in — show me just how selfish this guy really is.

He may come back here and score 20 goals — which would be a nice number given a 48-game season. That’s fine — and I’d be very happy with that.

I just won’t be happy with it if there’s a big “C” on his sweater near his shoulder.

Forget? Yes.

Forgive? Not a chance.


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