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11 June 2014

Rangers fan whose 4-month-old daugter Madison died suddenly in April, will get to see tonight’s Game No. 4

In the midst of hard hits, goals (or lack thereof) and the intensity of the Stanley Cup Finals comes this story. It is one I had heard earlier thanks to my mate Steven Schaffer, but one I had honestly forgotten about. There is no reason to have forgotten it though, because it’s a sad and uplifting story all the same.

Bobby Ackerman is a huge fan of the New York Rangers. In December, his ex-girlfriend gave birth to their daughter, Madison. On April 11, Madison died suddenly in her sleep. Not sure why, but it certainly sounds like a case of S.I.D.S.

A fellow Rangers fan knew of the story. So Shawn Revell, of Rangers Memes, set up a GoFundMe site to raise cash to get Ackerman to a Finals game and a jersey with the No. 4 on it for FOREVER. Ackerman had earlier stated, before Madison died, that if the Rangers got to the finals, he wanted to bring his baby daughter to Madison Square Garden for a game.

But then the tragedy struck.

Revell’s fundraising site raised more than enough for a ticket and the jersey — $3,576 to be precise.

What a tremendous story.

Steve Politi, of the Star-Ledger, wrote an amazing column of how fans of the Islanders, Devils, Kings, Rangers and other teams banded together to get Ackerman to the game. Please CLICK HERE to read that piece.

Here are some comments from people who donated. It sure seems like a lot of Kings fans donated.

Here’s one from a Kings fan.

“From a Die hard LA Kings fan to a Great NY Rangers fan. RIP Madison. We are all Hockey Fans!”

And a few others:

“Even as a random Devs fan my heart breaks for you. Good luck.”

“Sorry to hear about the loss of the most precious gift, I hope you can make a SC game and enjoy the night . Go Kings , but Go Rangers that night.”

And lastly:

“Many condolences on your loss. As a Kings fan, I may hope for a different series outcome, but I do hope you get a chance to enjoy a home game in your daughter's memory.”

So tonight, win or lose for the Rangers, there’s a special human being who will be at the game.

And with him, the memory and spirit of a beautiful child taken so suddenly from him entirely too soon.

Only in hockey.

Only in hockey.

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