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13 May 2014

Yes, I would be fine if the NY Rangers win tonight


Maybe I am getting old. Maybe I am just wiser. But if the Rangers win tonight, not only will I be OK with it, I'll actually be kind of happy for the legions of Rangers fans whom I call friend.

I really think it's the classiness of Martin St. Louis, and the terrible tragedy he suffered, that has given me this amazing about face. And not just that — there really isn't anyone on the Rangers to hate as I did in the 1990s and 2000s.

Gone are the Messiers, the Averys, the Richters, the Matteaus, the Tikanens.

Here now are a bunch of guys — many over-paid mind you — who are just decent human beings. There's very little to dislike about most of them. (Still won't give credit to the goalie, however, until he wins a Cup).

Now with that said, I'll be equally as happy if the Penguins win tonight. But if the Rangers do, for all the Jim Schmiedebergs, Steven Schaffers, the Muggas, the Jim Grahams, the Say Sucknanans, the Richard Champagnes, the Timmy Gillettes, the Oofs, the Rodamans, the Dan Murphys, the Russ Dahls, the Jodi Freemans, the Alyssas and the Dave Toreas, the Zach and Bobby Gelbs, the Sid Rosenbergs, the David Weirs, the Jack Kellys, the Tony Balachichs and all others who I haven't mentioned (forgive me if I forgot you)  -- I'll be happy tonight if they get to experience the joys that I have over the years with the Devils.

Lord knows I've experienced a lot of those joys. Once every 20 years isn't that bad if it were to happen tonight anyway!

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