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20 January 2013

Hockey fans have major ally in Marc Eisenberg of 640 AM Sports in South Florida

The Canessa Commentary


So many of you are in New Jersey. And you're wondering why there's a Florida dateline to this story.

Eisenberg, seen here wearing a hat, during an
on-location broadcast with Sid Rosenberg. He
often wears hats because hair is now at a premium.
Besides the reality that this transplanted Jersey boy now lives in Port St. Lucie, Fla., I've got to share with you the story of a man, who, like many of us, is a huge fan of the NHL. But, unlike the sports-radio hosts of New York — far too many to name here — there's a huge difference between them and Marc Eisenberg.

And that is that Eisey, as we know him, loves our sport. And he's never one to shy away from talking about it when he's on the air.

Let me get some house cleaning in order.

I've known Marc since 2008, and I am honored to call him a dear friend. So I have a bias here.

In addition to his work on-air on Sundays (10 a.m. to noon — but Saturday, Jan. 26, from 1 to 4 .m. this coming weekend), Eisey is also the executive producer of all WMEN programming (including the Sid Rosenberg Show). No show Super Bowl Sunday either.

He grew up in a tiny little town in South Jersey — and as such, unfortunately, he's a huge fan of all of Philly's teams and Penn State University. But that part doesn't matter one bit.

Since 1994, he's been in South Florida.

And on a weekend when most sports-radio hosts were talking Championship Sunday in the NFL, Eisey spent most of his two-hour show today talking about the return of hockey.

On another personal note, I am fortunate, because I call in every week — and despite the show being in South Florida, Eisey lets me get in my Devils fix — and he even lets me make fun of the Flyers, which, of course, is all too easy to do.

But think about this for a second — find me another host in America who would allow his listeners to talk about HOCKEY while it's the very day of the conference championships in the NFL? I defy you to find anyone else.

Now there's more you need to know.

Eisey isn't just a Flyers fan. He's a true hockey fan. And he knows the league as well as anyone I've ever known.

Just last year, when Randy Moller, Florida Panthers' play-by-play man on the radio lost his voice after the 2 OT Game 7 against our Devils, it was Eisey who Moller called upon to do the post-game show. He's that good, folks.

And if you're worried about calling in, only to get 15 seconds of glory, as is the case when one calls Mike Francesa — think again. When you get through, and on the air, you're respectfully given the time needed to get your points across.

And it'll certainly amount to more than holding on for 15 minutes just to speak for 15 seconds.

Eisey, indeed, is a true personal friend. But for all of us hockey fans out there — he's as good a friend as one could ask for.

If you don't believe me, next Sunday, tune into the show and see for yourself.

You absolutely won't be disappointed. And you won't find better sports radio, period, than when Eisey's on the air (he might disagree there, but I don't care).

And if you are disappointed, I'm sorry to say there's likely something wrong with you.

Click here to listen to Eisey — or any 640AM Sports-WMEN show — live online from anywhere.

Follow Eisey on Twitter @MEisenberg640.

UPDATE: There's one thing I failed to mention, too — doesn't matter whether you're a fan of the Rangers, Flyers, Devils, Islanders, Kings — whomever you root for, you're going to love this show. As long as you've got a love for hockey, that's all that truly matters here.

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