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19 July 2011

Will Jacques Lemaire Return Yet Again?

Jacques Lemaire unretire ... again?
So here we are -- it's July 19 already, prospect camp is over, as is the draft -- and there's still no coach in place. Perhaps most remarkably, this goes against the norm of nearly every new coach hire in the National Hockey League. Often, we hear about how a general manager wants his new coach in place before the draft -- and before summer activities. 

So this all has to beg questions: Is Jacques Lemaire playing a game of hardball to get an enormous contract to re-re-re-un-retire ... is Lou Lamoriello delusional in thinking Lemaire might reconsider coaching ... is Lemaire bluffing for fun ... or is this just "Mystery Lou" doing his thing again?

Best-case scenario -- Lemaire decides to return, as highly unlikely as it may seem right now based on all reports. (Though stranger things have happened before). Worst-case scenario -- we wait even longer, and perhaps get word on a new coach by late August/early September.

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